How to use natural bleach on face

  • Potatoes are very effective natural bleaching agent. Slice thin pieces of potatoes, pour a few drops of water on its surface and then rub them gently on your skin. This will make your skin look lighter and younger.
  • Lemon also has skin lightening properties. Apply some lemon juice directly on your acne spots, either with hands or using a cotton bud. The citric acid in the juice would help clearing the spots. It will also remove dirt and clean your skin. But, people with sensitive skin should not use large quantities of lemon on their skin.
  • To make herbal bleach at home, grind a few carrots along with one tomato, one cucumber and some coriander. Add a few drops of lemon to it. Leave the mixture in fridge for about fifteen minutes. Apply it evenly on the face and neck, using finger tips or a brush. Allow it to dry and then wash it off with water. You can use this treatment at least once a week.